9 Tips to Bringing Holistic Design into Your Home

Holistic Design
Sometimes whatever we do to our home doesn’t seem to make it feel like “home.” It lakes something despite all our efforts. From rearranging furniture to removing all the clutter, we try to find that perfect balance but often fail. The reason is that we’re approaching design from a linear perspective instead of a holistic one. Holistic design is based on the belief that everything is connected and that our surroundings profoundly impact our well-being.

A more holistic approach to design considers all the elements that make up our environment and how they work together. It’s not only about aesthetics but also how a space makes us feel. To create a truly holistic design, start by considering these important elements:

Minimize Noise

Noise is one of the most underrated elements impacting our sense of calm. Minimize noise by using area rugs and curtains to muffle sound, and be mindful of the placement of electronics. A place with too much visual stimulation can be just as jarring as a place with too much noise. If you want to create a space that promotes relaxation, limit the amount of clutter and opt for muted colors and natural materials. The noise-free and less-is-more approach will help you achieve a sense of tranquility in your home.

Choose Natural Materials:

When selecting materials for your home, opt for those that are natural and eco-friendly. Consider using bamboo, wool, linen, cotton, and stone. These materials will help you create a space that feels grounded and connected to nature. A holistic approach is about creating a healthy and balanced environment, so using materials that are good for you and the planet is a must. You may also bring plants to add a bit of nature to your home. Using organic and sustainable materials is a key element of holistic design. It gives your space a feeling of peace and harmony while also being good for the environment.

Create a Flexible Layout

Your home should be designed in a way that promotes relaxation and flexibility. If your furniture is too close together, it can create a feeling of claustrophobia. Instead, opt for a more open layout with plenty of negative space. This will allow you to move more freely and relax more easily. Use simple, clean lines in your furniture and décor to create a sense of order and calm. Go for light and airy colors instead of dark and heavy hues. Using rattan or natural woods instead of metal or plastic is better.

Create an Inviting Atmosphere

Your home is your refuge, so make sure it feels warm and inviting. This can be achieved using cozy fabrics, wool rugs, soft lighting, and comfortable furniture. Make sure your bedroom is super clean and tidy to relax and feel at ease. Use comfortable furnishings and limit the number of electronics in your space to create a sense of peace. Make sure it is clean and clutter-free to achieve a sense of tranquility. Remove all the unnecessary items from your home and only keep what you need and love.

Incorporate Nature

Another key element of holistic design is incorporating nature into your space. You can do it by adding plants, using natural materials, and incorporating water features. Plants help purify the air and create a more pleasant environment. Natural materials like raw wood and stone can help you connect with the earth. And water features provide a sense of tranquility and peace. Fill your home with indoor and outdoor plants. Keep them everywhere. You have never seen a home with too many plants. If you have trouble keeping plants alive, try succulents or cacti. Use bamboo, rattan, and wicker for furniture and accents.

Incorporate Feng Shui Principles

Feng shui is a classical Chinese practice that focuses on the energy flow in our environment. By bringing feng shui principles into your home, you can create a space that promotes harmony and balance. Some simple tips to bring Feng Shui include:
  • Place your bed in the command position, which means you can see the door from your bed but are not in line with the door.
  • Create a serene and clutter-free bedroom by keeping only essential furniture in the room and storing away anything that doesn’t belong.
  • In the living room, create a conversation area by arranging furniture in a U or horseshoe shape.
  • Position your work desk so that you have a clear view of the door and any other entry points to the room.
  • Add plants to your space for fresh energy and positive vibes.

Use Color Psychology

The colors you choose for your home can profoundly affect your mood. For example, blue has been shown to promote feelings of calm and serenity, while yellow is associated with happiness and energy. When selecting paint colors or fabrics, think about the mood you want to create in each room and choose accordingly. You may use color psychology without even realizing it; for example, many people paint their kitchens yellow because it's known to stimulate the appetite. It's also important to consider the Feng Shui of color when selecting hues for your home. For example, the calming effect of blue can be offset by too much color, resulting in feelings of sadness or depression.

Get the Right Lighting

The right lighting can quickly make a difference in how we feel. Use soft, diffused light whenever possible to create a more calming environment. Consider using LED candles or salt lamps to add a warm, inviting glow to your home. Holistic designs emphasize more natural light, so try to let in as much sunlight as possible. Open all the windows in the room and let the fresh air in!

In addition to letting in natural light, it’s important to ensure your home is well-ventilated. Stale air can lead to feelings of lethargy and depression, so open up the windows and doors to let in some fresh air. If you reside in an extremely cold or dry region, consider using a humidifier to keep the air moist and prevent static electricity.

Furniture Placement

Furniture placement is another important aspect of holistic design. Heavy furniture should be placed on the ground floor, while lighter pieces can be placed on higher levels. Avoid placing furniture directly in front of windows, as this can block natural light and create a feeling of claustrophobia. Instead, arrange furniture to allow light to flow freely through the room. Use light-weight, sheer curtains to allow light in further and create a sense of airiness in the space. Also, leave plenty of open space in the room, so it doesn’t feel cluttered or cramped.

Summing Up!

Bringing holistic design into your home can be a great way to make it feel more like a sanctuary. You can create a beautiful and calming space by focusing on creating an environment that supports all aspects of your being. If you’re looking for quick ways to bring some holism into your own home, consider using natural materials, adding plants or flowers, and finding pieces that have meaning to you. And if you need professional help getting started, RugKnots has a wide variety of gorgeous rugs that can add instant style to any room. What are you waiting for? Start creating your holistic haven today!

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